Monday, May 3, 2010

Kind of embarrassing

Ok guys! I am giving away free camisoles and for some reason only one person has entered! (I think its cause blogger makes you have a google account) Thanks Ashley! I hope you win but I really want others to enter. If you can enter go to my Allegrowear blog and enter! Its totally free! There's like 7 ways to enter and it's as easy as making a facebook comment. Let me know if you have problems but I figure since you are all bloggers you can figure it out!

Thanks and good luck!

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About Me

My photo
Eric and Carly got married on September 25th 2004. But we have been in love for a lot longer. Carly grew up in American Fork, Utah. Eric grew up in Pocatello, Idaho. We have been to over 10 countries together and continue to travel... a lot. We love it. We own two businesses. Eric started a production company - SunnyDay Entertainment - and has worked on over 25 film and a lot more commercials and other videos. We just started another business - Allegro Wear, - and we sell the cutest Dance clothes, shoes and Yoga Wear. We have a baby named Mia. She is a Yorkie. Carly still acts doing film and on occasion theater. Eric is a talented photographer and loves to write as well.